Art Class, Creative Writing, Musical Theatre, and our fantastic Reading Class, 'From the page to the pictures,' are now booking for the Summer Term 2025.
What to expect...
Our Creative Classes are designed for adult learning and offer a great opportunity to meet new people and relax in a friendly environment whilst learning something new or enhancing your existing skills. You book online and then on the date the term starts you come to the café bar, order your drink and walk through to the cinema where you greet your tutor. All classes are held in the mornings during term time only, they last between 90 minutes and two hours and cost from £14.50 per class.
Currently you can learn to sing and harmonize correctly, draw and appreciate art to your full potential, fully appreciate some of the most famous and popular pieces of world literature or learn to write in a creative, captivating and imaginative fashion.
Imagine for a second surpassing all expectations of what you thought you could achieve creatively, enjoy the company of new, local people and come away invigorated and positive.
We look forward to welcoming you,
Sam (Art), Sarah (Page to Picture, Creative Writing) and Faye (Musical Theatre).